FUNDRAISING in 2023 5K, 10K Walkathon and Marathon
Please join our Buddha-Dharma Team to fundraise for the BUDDHIST SPIRITUAL CARE EDUCATION PROJECTS of our Foundation. 1. August 26, 2023 to September 29, 2023 (anytime, anywhere) or 2. August 26, 2023 (Saturday), 10 am and/or 3. September 29, 2023 (Friday – Mid-Autumn Festival Day), time TBA Both events 2 and 3 are in-person group gatherings at the Too Good Pond Park Forest Therapy Trail in Unionville). Please email to register with our Team Captain Alice Lee to join our team. We hope to raise funds to support 1. The Buddhist Education Foundation Fellowship in Buddhism & Psychiatry at the U of T 2. Free Buddhist counselling service at the Toronto Centre for Applied Buddhism 3. Buddhist spiritual care and counselling education & practicum programs
EVENTS in 20211st Cross-Canada Buddhist Prison Chaplaincy Education Roundtable – Nov 20, 2021
Speakers: 1 Mr. John Hayward Executive Director, Canadian Association for Spiritual Care 2 Ms. Myoshin Kate McCandless Co-guiding teacher, Mountain Rain Zen Community (BC), member of Interfaith Committee for Corrections Canada 3 Roshi Taigen Henderson Abbot, Toronto Zen Centre, former Buddhist Corrections Chaplain (ON) 4 Dr. Sean Hillman, PhD Buddhist Corrections Chaplain, Bridges of Canada (ON) 5 Mr. Stefan Horodeckyj, HBA, JD, BEd Expert and Lecturer in Restorative Justice (ON) 6 Ven. Yin Kit Abbess of Po Lam Buddhist Association, Buddhist Prison Volunteer (BC) 7 Ms. Stephanie Hong, MDiv, MA, RP(Q) Buddhist Prison Volunteer Chaplain (ON) Respondents: 8 Ms. Patricia O’Halloran, M.Div, CSE, CSCP Chair of Education Standards Commission, Canadian Association for Spiritual Care 9 Dr. Ernest Ng, PhD, CEO Tung Lin Kwok Yuen (BC), Adjunct Assistant Professor, the University of Hong Kong 10 Ms. Martha Chan Entrepreneur and Marketing Professional Moderated by Chris Ng, President, Buddhist Education Foundation of Canada 1st Cross-Canada Roundatabe on Buddhist Spiritual Care Education for Hospice and Palliative Care Settings, Nov. 27th 2021 Speakers: Ven. Yin Kit, Abbess of Po Lam Buddhist Association (BC) Ms. Jacquie Bell, MSW, retired, teacher and trainer and volunteer for end-of-life care, Shambhala Buddhist Sangha (NS) Ms. Stephanie Hong MDiv, MA, RP(Q) Hospice Spiritual Care Provider (ON) Dr. Yuk-Lin Renita Wong, PhD, Professor of Social Work at York University and palliative care volunteer Ms. Linda Hochstetler, MSW, RSW, Teacher, Awaken in Toronto and Instructor, Toronto Centre for Applied Buddhism Dr. Ernest Ng, PhD, CEO of Tung Lin Kwok Yuen (BC), Adjunct Assistant Professor, the University of Hong Kong Ms. Patricia O’Halloran, MDiv, CSE, CSCP, Chair of Education Standards Commission, Canadian Association for Spiritual Care Ven. Sister Tinh Quang, Resident Zen Teacher of Little Heron Zen Hermitage (ON) Ven. Ani Jamyang Donma, Certified Clinical Chaplain, RP, Clinical Chaplain for the Hospital for Sick Children (ON) Ms. Deborah Luscomb, end-of-life care volunteer, Buddhist community in Halifax (NS) Ms. Alice Lee, volunteer for over 20 years at Mt Sinai Hospital, and volunteer with Hospice Toronto and Buddhist Education Network (ON) Ms. Grace Ng-Listkowski, end-of-life care volunteer, Buddhist community in Toronto (ON) Ms. Cindy Bennett, volunteer for 10 years at Sunnybrook Hospital (Veterans and Cancer patients) Moderated by Chris Ng, President of the Buddhist Education Foundation of Canada ——————————————————————————– Important Messages from Buddhism and Positive Psychology on Mental Health August 19, 2021 Speakers (in Cantonese): Dr. Lok Sang Ho (Buddhism) and Dr. Victoria Hui (Positive Psychology) In case you missed it, here is the Zoom recording

♦ Presentations:
1. Western Psychotherapeutic Modalities & Their Similarities to Buddhism 2:00-2:40 pm
By: Dr. Ellen Katz, PhD, MSW, RSW
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, U of T
2. Four Noble Truths & Buddhist Approaches to Suffering in Psychotherapy 2:40-3:20 pm
By: Dr. Albert Allen, MD, FRCP(C), Psychiatrist,
2016-17 Buddhist Education Foundation of Canada Fellow
in Buddhism & Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, U of T
Break with Refreshments 3:20-3:40 pm
♦ Panel Discussion:
3. What Might a Buddhist Psychotherapy Look Like? 3:40-4:20 pm
Panelists: Dr. Ellen Katz & Dr. Albert Allen
Moderator: Dr. Tony Toneatto, PhD, FIPA, Clinical Psychologist & Psychoanalyst,
Director, Buddhism, Psychology & Mental Health Program, U of T
Dr. Albert Allen is a psychiatrist in clinical practice since 2013, currently working at Hong Fook Mental Health Association, The ADHD Clinic, and private practice. He completed his residency at the University of Toronto where he trained in various psychotherapy modalities including Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. He has been actively involved in Buddhist meditation with a mindfulness community since 2008 and received yoga teacher certification from Yoga Therapy Toronto in 2016. He completed a Clinical Fellowship in Buddhism and Psychiatry at the University of Toronto in 2017.
Dr. Ellen Katz is an Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream at the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work (FIFSW). Dr. Katz comes to the FIFSW with over 20 years of clinical practice working with individuals, couples, families and groups in hospitals and children’s mental health settings, with a particular interest, and with advanced training, in family therapy. Her research and clinical interests focus on mindfulness, meditation, Buddhism, family therapy, simulation, and the development of competence in both students and clinicians. Dr. Katz has been a Senior Investigator with the Mind and Life Summer Research Institute, the Dalai Lama’s initiative to bring science and contemplative practice together in developing interventions to ease human suffering and increase knowledge of how mindfulness can be used in that process.
Dr. Tony Toneatto is the Director of the Buddhism, Psychology and Mental Health undergraduate program at the University of Toronto devoted to the study of Buddhist and Western psychology. He is also on the Faculty of the Masters of Pastoral Studies (Buddhism) Program at Emmanuel College. Dr. Toneatto is a registered Clinical Psychologist and a psychoanalyst. He spent 23 years at the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto as a research scientist in addiction. Dr. Toneatto has published over 120 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters in the areas of substance addiction, pathological gambling, and mindfulness meditation.
♦ Q & A / Wrap Up / Evaluation: 4:20-5:00 pm
♦ Location:
Room 119, Emmanuel College, 75 Queen’s Park Crescent East
General Admission: $20 / U of T Students: Free (student ID required)
1:30 pm: Reception/Registration (light refreshments served)
For further information and on-line Registration, please visit:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oct. 22, 2017 – Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon/5K 2016 Fundraiser Please join our Buddha-Dharma Team to fundraise for Buddhist education projects of our Foundation. You may register for the event and set up a fundraising page to raise funds for us when our fundraising page goes on-line Please email to join the Buddha-Dharma Team. Our team captain Alice Lee will set you up as a team member on-line after you have registered with STWM2017. ******************************************************************************* PAST EVENTS in 2016 籌款素宴 Vegetarian Banquet Fundraiser for the Compassionate Care Community Education & Service 為籌募「慈心關懐大使」教育課程及社區關懐服務經費 日期/時間/地點: 2017/5/26 星期五 Friday,7pm-9:30pm 五台山素宴 Wutai Vegetarian Restaurant 8425 Woodbine Avenue, Markham (at Hwy 7) 訂購餐劵: 每位 $100 ($ 60 捐款退稅收條) To purchase tickets: call or text us at 416-910-4858 October 14-16, 2016 – Applied Buddhism Conference & Workshop Inaugural Conference of the Applied Buddhist Studies Initiative at Emmanuel College, University of Toronto ~Sponsored by the Buddhist Education Foundation of Canada~ Keynote address on Applied Buddhism: Past & Present will be given by Prof. John Makransky of Boston College Oct. 14-15: There will be six panels and 18 speakers. Here is the Flyer (English). Oct. 15: Two of the six panels will be in Chinese. Here is the flyer (Chinese). These two community panels are open to public. Oct. 16: There will be a U of T Faculty of Medicine accredited workshop on Empowering Those Who Care for Others: Sustainable Compassion Training Workshop Visit: for further information and on-line registration Oct. 16, 2016 – Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon/Half Marathon/5K 2016 Fundraiser Please join our Buddha-Dharma Team to fundraise for Buddhist education projects of our Foundation. For more information, visit You may register for the event and set up a fundraising page to raise funds for us. Please email to join the Buddha-Dharma Team. Our team captain Alice Lee will set you up as a team member on-line after you have registered with STWM2016. January 30 & 31, 2016 – Applying Mindfulness & Buddhism in Providing Care ~Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Experiential Workshop ~Acceptance and Commitment to Living and Dying Workshop CPD Events accredited by the Faculty of Medicine, U of T Presented by Emmanuel College, University of Toronto Sponsored by the Buddhist Education Foundation of Canada See poster here: mail_ABSI-poster October 12 (Monday), 2015, Buddhist Thanksgiving Celebration ~ a vegetarian banquet fundraiser for Buddhist studies at the University of Toronto (with a special tribute to the late Ven. Shi Wu De, President Emeritus of the Buddhist Education Foundation of Canada) Casa Deluz Banquet Hall, 1571 Sandhurst Circle, Scarborough Reception/crafts sale: 5:30 pm; Banquet: 6:30 pm Tickets: $100 per person; $1000 for a table of ten – tax deductible donation receipt of $60 per ticket will be issued. Purchase tickets in person at 300 Bathurst Street (416) 603-8889 Purchase tickets by phone or by mail: (416) 910-4858 / PO Box 64585 Unionville, Markham ON L3R 1M0 or e-mail: