Upcoming Events



林律光博士(維摩居士)主講 茶禪一味

 日期: 20231124日星期五

時間: 下午七時半至九時(HK time)

同日上午七時半至九時(Toronto time)




Zoom Meeting

語言: 粵語


會議ID: 824 4221 0004

密碼: 205661


海報 Poster



Buddhist talk in Cantonese, on-line via Zoom 海報: Flyer



日期: 2023106日星期五

時間: 下午七時半至九時(HK time 香港時間)

同日上午七時半至九時(Toronto time 多倫多時間)


形式: 線上進行

Zoom Meeting

語言: 粵語

加入 Zoom 會議


 會議ID: 819 9884 3276

密碼: 946357

Exploring Cross-cultural Dimensions of Institutional Care of Seniors a panel presentation & discussion to understand cultural care needs, to explore best practices, to advocate together for multi-cultural care (Flyer) 2:00 to 4:00 pm, Saturday, November 4, 2023 (in-person & on-line) Seneca College, 1750 Finch Ave. East (Room K3010) Panelists: Rev. Karen Fox, MDiv, RP Certified Supervisor Educator (Canadian Association for Spiritual Care) Multi-faith Chaplain and Teaching Supervisor, Baycrest Health Sciences, Toronto Venerable Thich Phap Hoa Tuoi Hac Golden Age Manor, Edmonton & Abbot of Truc Lam Monastery Mr. Andy Chung, MDiv, MCS, RP Certified Specialist (Canadian Association for Spiritual Care) Spiritual and Religious Care Practitioner, Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care, Toronto Moderated by: Professor Glen Choi, Seneca College

The presentation will be followed by Q & A, coffee/tea/refreshments and discussion 

All welcome! For more info / To register: please visit http://appliedbuddhism.ca/events

Registration Fee: $10 / Free for full-time students

Upon request, a Certificate of Cultural Competence will be issued to the participant. Zoom link & Seneca map will be sent to those registered.

Presented by: Toronto Centre for Applied Buddhism Sponsored by: Buddhist Education Foundation of Canada

2023年8月26日星期六加拿大佛教教育基金會 百萬行 2023 Buddhist Education Foundation 5K/10K Walkathon/Marathon Fundraiser

Augst 26, 2023 to September 28, 2023 (anytime anywhere) August 26, 2023, 10:00 am and/or September 28, 2023, time TBA (as a group, in-person at the Too Good Pond Forest Therapy Trail) 歡迎參加『弘法隊』,為佛教教育基金會百萬行籌款 或直接捐款支持『弘法隊』 或個別隊員 籌得款項用於支持培育慈心關懷教育計劃 聯絡: 李文 admin@BuddhistEduFoundation.com 或 吳淑瑜 416-910-4858 詳情請瀏覽: http://buddhistedufoundation.com
A Series of (on-line) Dharma Talks (in Cantonese) on Applied Yogacara Buddhist Psychology by Ven. Guan Cheng of the International Buddhist Temple 9 Sundays, September 4 to Oct 30, 2022, 8 am – 9:30 am (Toronto Time) 觀成法師主講         應用唯識學:除煩惱啟智慧的學問 (含約二十至三十分鐘問答,由香港佛教心理學及心理健康協會幹事主持) 唯識學就是佛教心理學 法師會用簡單易懂的言辭介紹複雜的人性和心識 為你解說去除煩惱的妙法 202294日起 逢星期日一連九個星期  1030 香港時間 :     晚上八時至九時半 多倫多時間: 早上八時至九時半 (含約二十至三十分鐘問答,由本會幹事主持) 形式 : Zoom Meeting 語言 : 粵語 Zoom Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83425310866 会议号:834 2531 0866 密码:     760877 欲知詳情請: 下載海報  請登記: https://forms.gle/v9h93ESrkDg1oEDH7

2022年10月2日星期日加拿大佛教教育基金會 百萬行 2022 Buddhist Education Foundation 5K/10K Walkathon/Marathon Fundraiser

October 1st to 31st, 2022 (anytime anywhere) October 2, 2022, 11:00 am (as a group, in-person at the Toronto Zoo) 歡迎參加『弘法隊』,為佛教教育基金會百萬行籌款 或直接捐款支持『弘法隊』 或個別隊員 籌得款項用於支持培育慈心關懷教育計劃 聯絡: 李文 admin@BuddhistEduFoundation.com 或 吳淑瑜 416-910-4858 詳情請瀏覽: http://buddhistedufoundation.com
You are invited to join our Buddha-Dharma Team to fundraise for the Buddhist education projects of our Foundation.  For more details and to donate on-line, please visit http://buddhistedufoundation.com. To sign up as a team member, please email Buddha-Dharma Team team captain Alice Lee at  Admin@BuddhistEduFoundation.com.

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